The following is an extract from Truly Independent Founder, Andrew Goodwin’s new book “Work to Wealth”

If you compare yourself to those ostensibly wealthier than you, you may never truly achieve. If you compare yourself to those ostensibly poorer than you, you may never truly progress. Comparison will keep you within these boundaries, in walled frustration.

We live in a society where everything and everyone is compared. We are politically, economically and morally urged in the direction of fairness for all. We are encouraged to be impartial and to behave without favouritism or discrimination. Everything we do must be seen to be for the benefit of others and not just ourselves.

I understand this thinking that includes everyone and benefits all equally, but there is a problem. While such socialist ideals appear logical and fair, in reality they don’t actually succeed. Socialism will always malfunction when following an equalising strategy rather than encouraging individuals to succeed in their own right. Trying to equalise is the Robin Hood, fast-track route to achieving only temporary adjustment, driven by observations of unfairness and inequality: temporary because it is fragile by design and only succeeds to patch society’s problems merely as appeasement for the poor.

Successful people breed success and the most successful almost always give back, either directly through philanthropic engagement or indirectly through job creation. Socialism follows capitalism and not the other way around. A more equal and fair society can only be built following the drive and ambition of others who are encouraged to search for more, create more and improve more. They generate the wealth that socialism relies upon.

That said, capitalism can falter too, especially when the successful neglect the people that helped them achieve in the first place. I am a firm believer in capitalism, but I recognise that its far reaches can leave others behind and stretch financial fairness to the elastic limits of excess and greed.

To continue reading this extract you can download a free sample of the book here, or purchase your copy here.